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Make a display about animals at your school library.



A library display is an awesome way to get the message about animal rights out to the public.


You could make a display about any animal topic you feel strongly about.

There are three key points to creating a good display:

  1. The information – introduce the animal and explain why it is special, explain how the animal is mistreated and provide some solutions for how people can help this animal.
  2. The look – colours and pictures will help catch people’s eye and hold their attention. Make sure any writing is easy to read.
  3. The feel – have fun and enjoy making your project, that way your love of animals is sure to shine through.


Need some information for your library display?

Animal Facts


Animal Issues

What you'll need

Poster paper
Pens and pencils
Coloured paper
Photos or drawings


  • Ask your school librarian if you can make a display for the library. They can show you the available space so you know what size your display can be. The librarian may even want to help out!
  • Do some research so that your display is full of facts and useful information.
  • Create artwork or find photos that you wish to have on your display.
  • Create your display by adding the text and pictures.
  • Hang your display for everyone to see! You may need an adult’s help for this step. 


Top tips 

  • Write your information onto a separate piece of paper or type it up on a computer rather than writing directly onto the poster. This makes it easier to erase mistakes!
  • Make sure you include your name so that people know who made the display. They might want to ask questions about the issue or even help you make the next one!