Newsletter 19 release
The latest meowsletter is out now!

SAFE Animal Squad has just released its latest Animal Bites newsletter! This issue is all about cats. Read up on everything you need to know about cats, Azalea the rescue kitten, and heaps more. We have even included instructions for a DIY cat toy!
If you are an Animal Squad member, you should be receiving your copy in the post shortly. If you can’t wait, download an online copy now.
Help ban the cages
Want to be a hero for chickens? Let Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern know that keeping chickens in cages must be banned by completing our latest colouring page. Simply download, print, colour and send!
Competition time
Are you into animal photography? Test your creative skills with our latest competition now live. You can win one of six cool prize packs! Hurry, entries close 24 July.
If you would like to receive this newsletter and you are not a member, sign up and we will send you a copy. Membership is 100% free!